2. Geloof in God

De geest van alle zielen wordt in alle tijden als God gepersonifieerd. Er zijn perioden waarin deze geest wordt gematerialiseerd in de geloofsovertuiging van de mensheid en als God, de Heerser en de Heer van de wereld, als Rechter, Onderhouder en Vergever wordt aanbeden, maar er zijn ook perioden waarin deze realisatie in de mensheid minder is geworden wanneer de mensheid meer geabsorbeerd is geraakt in het leven van de wereld dan in het spirituele ideaal. Daarom komt het geloof in God als de getijden van de zee naar de mensheid. Af en toe komt het meestal naar de oppervlakte met de Goddelijke boodschap die in een bepaalde periode als een antwoord wordt gegeven op de smeekbede van de mensheid. Dus in het leven van individuen komt het geloof in God soms als de getijden van de zee, met een impuls om te aanbidden, om God te dienen, om uit te reiken naar God, om God lief te hebben en om naar communicatie met God te verlangen. Hoe materialistischer het leven van de wereld zich voor je ogen bevindt, hoe geslotener de spirituele impuls wordt; de spirituele impuls begeleidt daarom gedurende het leven tijden van leed en teleurstelling.

The belief in God is natural, but in life both art and nature are necessary. So God, Who exists independent of our making Him, must be made by us for our own comprehension. To make God intelligible first man must make his God. It is on this principle that the idea of many gods and the custom of idol worship was based in the ancient religions of the world. God cannot be two. The God of each is the God of all, but in order to comprehend that God we each have to make our own God. Some of us seek justice, we can seek for God who is just. Some of us look for beauty, we must find it in the God of beauty. Some of us seek for love, we must find it in the God of mercy and compassion. Some of wish for strength and power, we must find it in the God Almighty. The seeking of every soul in this world is different, distinct and peculiar to himself, and he can best attain to it by finding the object of his search in God.

The moment one arrives at this belief no question need he ask for his fellowman, for the answer to every question that springs from his mind he finds in his own heart. The dwelling place of God, which is called Heaven, is then found in his own heart. The friend on Whom one can constantly depend, someone Whom one can always trust, someone Whose sympathy and love is secure, someone Who will never fail, someone Who is strong enough to help, someone Who is sufficiently wise to guide in life, he will find in his own heart.

Those who out of their materialistic view cannot belief in the God ideal lose a great deal in their lives. That ideal which is the highest and best ideal, the only ideal worth loving, worth worshipping, worth longing for, worth sacrificing all one has, and worth depending upon during the daylight and through the darkness of night, is God; and he who has God in his life has all he needs; he who has not God, he having all things of this mortal world, is lonely, he is in the wilderness even if he be in the midst of the crowd. The journey of the Sufi therefore, is to God. It is Divine Knowledge which he seeks, it is the realisation of God. It is Divine Knowledge which he seeks, it is the realisation of God consciousness which is his goal.